As found on the website, the Mimosa cake is a traditional Italian dessert with custard. It is served on March 8th, International Women’s Day, and owes its name to the small cubes of cake which are crumbled on top of the cake to resemble a mimosa flower. The tiny yellow flower has become a symbol of the day. March 8th began as a commemoration of the 1908 death of a group of women factory workers in the United States. Its symbol in Italy is the yellow, fragrant mimosa flower, as it blooms in early March.
The mimosa cake was first created by pastry chef Adelmo Renzi in the 50s and was shown for the first time in Sanremo in 1962 during a pastry competition. By the way, in the end he won the competition! The name is not related to International Women’s Day, but to the town of Sanremo, also known as the “town of flowers."
How about a cappuccino with that mimosa cake? (They make great cappuccinos at Caffe Reggio.)
Below is a photo of a pair of Italian shoes (Gucci) worn by a true Italian woman. I edited out the rest of her and her family, but she was speaking Italian with her family in NYC. Her shoes kept my attention and they were quite lively compared to my dirty athletic shoes. I do believe Italian women (and men) know how to celebrate in style.

Even though it is November, Rob chose to create a Mimosa cake. (March will be here before we know it.)
The recipe can be found at: Mimosa cake original video recipe - Italian Cakes
Ingredients of the Mimosa Cake
Ingredients of sponge cake
3 large eggs (170 gr)
120 gr of granulated sugar
120 gr of flour
Ingredients of Custard
4 egg yolks
120 gr granulated sugar
25 gr of flour
25 gr of cornstarch
500 ml fresh milk
1 organic lemon zest
200 ml of fresh cream
120 gr of mascarpone
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
Ingredients of the bagna (sugar syrup)
130 ml Maraschino
70 ml of water
We prepare the Mimosa Cake
We start by buttering the cake mold and preparing the sponge cake.
The sponge cake
We pour the egg whites into a bowl and blend them at high speed with the planetary mixer or electric whisk. When the egg white changes color and begins to increase in volume, we pour out the granulated sugar.
Then when the mixture is swollen and frothy we add the yolks. To finish we incorporate the sifted flour, little by little, using a spatula or a kitchen spoon.
Sponge cake recipe
We pour the dough into the mold and bake in a preheated static oven at 200 ° C for 5 minutes and then at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.
Let the cake cool in the mold for 10 minutes, then remove it and let it rest until the following day covered with a kitchen towel.
Cream for mimosa cake
Then we incorporate the cream (with cream) into the custard, stirring gently with a spatula or spoon. It is important that the two creams are mixed at the same temperature.
We assemble the Mimosa Cake
We cut the sponge cake into three layers. Two layers will be used for the cake and from the third we will obtain small cubes that we will use for decoration.
Sponge cake mimosas
We assemble the cake by wetting with sugar syrup and decorate each layer by piping on pastry cream. The website's video (address posted above) shows in detail how to make the decoration of the Mimosa Cake.
Decorate the mimosa cake
Finally we garnish using sponge cake mimosas.
The cake is a successo. The appearance is magnifco and it tastes delizioso. Thank you for spending time with us. Linda and Rob
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